Scaling internationally for tech B2B markets
How to generate (more) leads in a new market – specifically for SMEs
It's time to scale your business in new markets
You’ve conquered your local market and you think it’s a good time to explore new markets. Whether your company is aiming for new segments, new revenue streams or for more of what you already know how to do well, international cont(r)acts are on the way.
But where do you start? What are the first things you should take into account? How do you fund it?
We address all these questions in the “Tech B2B Marketing: How to generate (more) leads in a new market” guide. A check list of areas to consider and steps to take when growing.
And since our experience relies mostly on SMEs, this is not a “throw money at it and see what sticks” approach, but rather a perspective on efficiency and keeping an eye on quick wins.
Whether you’ve already started taking some actions or if you’re only considering it, this guide aimed to:
1. Talk about the company’s context, through internal and external analysis;
2. From our experience, give you a list of strategies and channels to help you assess external markets;
3. Highlight a list of assets to take into account;
4. Give you pointers on tracking results.
Who is this guide for?
- Small and medium-enterprises’ founders or managing directors exploring new revenue streams, from new audiences
- Business owners, marketing directors and sales directors looking to scale internationally – open up new markets
- Business development executives searching for new target audiences they can tap into
Sections of the guide:
- Internal analysis – define objectives, put tracking in place
- External analysis – customer personas, competitor analysis
- Channels – events, partnerships, social media, content marketing, ads, email
- Assets – landing pages, social media, banners and texts, tools
Plus, each chapter has a section of who can help if your internal resources can’t cover it.
What recommends us
For the past 5 years, we’ve worked with SMEs and event organisers to market to tech audiences in Europe and North America, across boundaries.
We’ve adapted local strategies to international markets, put together plans for attracting new audiences and generated sales ready leads for business development teams.